I’m able to face and control situations

Doing the Confronting Drill, I gained the confidence to face anything and to not be scared of it.

Now I’m able to confront something or someone while I'm mentally present without avoiding the person or the thing.

While I confront a person I’m paying attention to what is being said and not elsewhere and I’m not deviating from the topic or running away from that person. These gains are helping me in my everyday life because now I’m able to face and also control situations, to be present while speaking or listening and able to observe things as they really are while someone is speaking.

I’m able to stay in the moment while someone is speaking without changing the subject or trying to stop the person from talking to finish the conversation and after to forget about it.

From this drill, I really felt that my awareness went up to another level up.

E.D. - Student at Narconon Balkan


Narconon Balkan