Life Is Priceless

When I finished the Narconon Program I realized something: I became aware of the life around me, nature, people, actions, projects, things which I didn’t see before. I am now able to get everything I see, nothing is stopping or creating boundaries, on the contrary. My family is supporting me and looks like the universe is working in my favor. There is no more confusion in things at all. Now I arrange the things so I don’t have to worry about what is going to happen, now I’m going to handle that. I have a goal in life now and am a better man and a productive family member. I see in myself more and more energy every day and I flow it outside to create something good.

The Narconon program gave me a viewpoint of things and I gave myself freedom.

E.M. - Student at Narconon Balkan


Narconon Balkan