I Changed my Point of View

I have been analysing the bad and damaging things that I did when I was living in the USA in 2015. During that period of my life, I was just using marijuana. I had also started to eat a vegan diet. I was drinking plenty of water and taking all the supplements I needed. Every time I looked back at this period, I thought it was one of the best. I was in good communication with my family and everyone around me. I was supporting myself, getting an education, and I was doing great at school.

(photo from Stefan Stefancik/Pexels.com)

I never really considered smoking marijuana as a bad thing, but now that I am writing down and analysing that period of my life and all the times I smoked marijuana, I see that by instinct I was hiding it from others so they wouldn’t see it—except my friends. I never smoked at school. I never smoked outside my place during the day. There was a part of me that wanted to hide my actions. And I don’t consider that it was because I might get criticised, because such a thing didn’t happen where I was living. It only because I was doing something I knew wrong. I damaged myself way too much.

I couldn’t do anything if I didn’t smoke—I couldn’t go to school and I could not get through my homework. I could not paint and I could not celebrate or party without it. But now at Narconon, I have been celebrating without smoking and it feels great. I remember every moment and I am truly happy. I am also capable of writing and following a daily schedule with ease. I do not need anything to motivate me anymore. I am no longer dependent on a drug to get me through and I feel free at last. I have wins and gains almost every day. These wins and gains of mine are changing the way I perceive things. And what follows afterwards are things which are going to make me live my life in a proper way.

I know there is so much more to learn. And I will do what it takes to gain the full benefit of the program. I am seeing life in a different perspective and discovered that living honestly is the only way to go.

E.D.—Student at Narconon Balkan

(To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.)


Narconon Balkan