I Learned to Be a Fighter, Not a Failure!

Bardha J., graduate of the Narconon Program

My life was a total mess full of unethical conduct. I basically hated everything about it and tried to avoid every situation at all costs. Avoiding everything ruined my life, and despite it, I still wanted to change my life. It was very hard, but still, I made the decision to deal with life and I chose to come to Narconon Balkan. The program not only changed my life but it turned my life all the way around like a rebirth. When I came here, despite the fact that taking drugs had taken the best out of me, it was like Narconon understood exactly the state I was in, accepted that, and took care of me. I got through various steps and processes to make my comeback.

During the New Life Detox, all the drugs and chemicals that accumulated over the years got out of my system, and I was free of toxins. This allowed me to have my natural energy back and operate in a different way. Later on, I went through the Objectives and Life Skills processes, where I started to be a different person. My communication skills are on a higher level, I put my past behind me, and I’m now living in the present. I’ve started to confront things that have given me mental calmness and made me happy. Further on in the program, I learned why the ups and downs happened in my life and why they, later on, led me to drugs. There I also saw the exact reason for a life of drugs and alcohol. In the next step, I became aware of how important it is to love myself and others around me. I was not selfish anymore and experienced a return of my lost values and respect for myself. I learned how to maintain my progress through the use of ethics. All of this I did with dedication and confronting everything along the way. I learned to be a fighter, not a failure.

“I got a second chance at my life, and I will be forever thankful to the man who created the Narconon program, L. Ron Hubbard, and the staff of Narconon Balkan. I will live a DRUG-FREE life forever.”

I got a second chance at my life, and I will be forever thankful to the man who created the Narconon program, L. Ron Hubbard, and the staff of Narconon Balkan. I will live a DRUG-FREE life forever.

Bardha J., Graduate of the Narconon Program


Narconon Balkan