Living Life Free at Last

Photo by Edgar Chaparro/

Completing the course of Personal Values, I went through a lot of changes, reactions and understandings. I am now aware of how many values I had lost while I was living with drugs and gambling. I can now the low condition that I was in when I started the program, it was like I was almost crawling on the ground and I felt like a dead man who was breathing for nothing. I felt like life had no more pleasures, no more goals, no more curiosity and actually I felt that there was no life for me at all.

By doing this course I can see the changes in me. I feel my morale has gone up, I feel curiosity, I feel real pleasures, I have goals and I am breathing free at last. I am living my life as it should be. In this course, I learned what ethics means and now I can use ethics to fix my life, my problems and I can reach my goals easier. I must behave and act in the right way. I have become another person one who has love and respect for myself, for my family, for my friends and for the society.

I feel like I’ve killed the evil that was inside me, I have won a war within myself and from this battle, I came out with more self-awareness. I found out that the cause of my problems was entirely myself. My addiction was the evil inside of me that showed me the wrong way to live my life. Now I feel the honesty in myself, and that is giving me the power to keep my head up and to confront everyone and everything, even myself because I can’t lie anymore and I can’t keep inside the things that I have done that damaged the areas in my life. I now know the rules and I respect them, not because I should but because I feel it’s the right thing to do.

—A.SH., Student at Narconon Balkan


Narconon Balkan