New Energy and Vitality

Narconon Balkan
Photo by Luke Pamer/

When I started detoxification, I had very big problems because as my body started to get clean, my immunity decreased very often. As the toxins were leaving my body, I was tired and weak, but by continuing the detoxification, I started to feel relief in my body because the toxins were coming out. I can see and feel the increase in energy and vitality, and I feel reborn. 

“I can see and feel the increase in energy and vitality,
and I feel reborn.”

Today, I am really, really happy with the sauna because it gave me the opportunity to clean out the impurities in my body, and I really feel very, very good and satisfied with myself. Also, I want to thank the staff of Narconon Balkan, who stood beside me through the good moments and the bad. I appreciate that because they helped me overcome each reaction and problem easily.

G.S., student at Narconon Program


Narconon Balkan