How My Life Was Before Addiction and How It Is Now

Narconon Balkan

An addict can do many bad things in life only because of the effects of drugs. All the time, I thought that drugs healed me, made me feel better, made the sadness go away, and made me go forward in life.

Today, I realized that during my addiction period, I was a loser who was unable to do anything for my body and was unable to complete a task and many other things that I neglected. Today, I learned that drugs were something of the moment, which I was obsessed with and had turned into an awful addiction. Every morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I thought about how to secure the amount of the drugs for the day without realizing how the addiction was killing me day after day. I thought it was medicine for my body and mind. But in reality, it was the road of my own destruction. I thank God that I found the force to stop it and didn’t end up in psychiatry or, even worse, dead.

Today, I am happy that I live without the effects of drugs, and I am free of them.

G.S., Student Narconon Balkan


Narconon Balkan