Hello Society!

Young man looking at the city skyline

I am just 18 years old, but a youngster who has had a very hard, miserable and emotional past and I would like to share my story with you.

It started with my “gangster” experience. In the beginning, I was staying with older people and as time went by, I became more and more interested in their conduct and their lifestyle and I started to look at them as idols. I was becoming very influenced by their actions and one day I thought to myself, “Why can’t I be like them? Why can’t I sell drugs and buy a beautiful car or a house? Why can’t I have respect from people? Why can’t I have beautiful girls around me?”

From that point on, I started to do things that were harmful to me, to my family and to society. But at that time I wasn’t confronting my wrongdoings and it looked like having money, getting respect from others and having good-looking girls around was the real meaning of a “perfect living.”

During this time I started taking drugs. At first, it was incredible, but things soon started to go in a very bad direction. In the last few months before coming to the Narconon Balkan Center, I felt as if both my mind and body were covered with a heavy, sticky mud—and I was trapped in it. I reached a point where I had had enough of the way I was living and I told to my parents that I wanted to rehabilitate myself.

“I realized that the people here are offering real help to society.”

Since I came to the Narconon Center I have come to realize the true meaning of ”human being.” The great way the staff members and the students treated me and the help they offered without even knowing me, was incredible and I realized that the people here are offering real help to society.

In my new-found condition, I feel strong enough to survive the jungle we live in and I can not only handle any wild animal that tries to attack me but I can also protect and help others who are trying to get out of the jungle.

The last thing that I want to say is that it is never too late, even though you might think so.

Keep pushing yourself and you’ll make it.

E.X.—Student at Narconon Balkan


Narconon Balkan