Narconon Balkan in Objectives
November 18, 2020

I’ve Gained Self-Confidence and Self-Control

From the communication drills I have a lot of wins and I’ve gained abilities that are important in life. I can feel in everyday life that my communication is improved. Another great win is that now I understand how the mind works, I understand how I react and why I react that way. That is a really important realization for me.


Narconon Balkan in Objectives
January 22, 2020

I Was Living for Others, Not for Myself

What are the objectives? When a person uses, they become introverted and focused on their tumultuous inner life. The drugs in turn dull the distress, and when they are first removed, the physical and mental pain can be overwhelming…


Narconon Balkan in Success Story
June 27, 2017


This is the beginning of my new life. Narconon Program is changing my life completely. After DETOX Program with clean body – clear mind I start with next part from Narconon Program. I can say that this is incredible. Objectives are amazing.